help us out by buying your gear from our store, more to come

ILL SKO Records

questions, comments
or suggestions?

::: Our Skate Store :::
!!Welcome to our skate shop!!
So far we are selling Skate stuff from 2 online companies: FogDog.com and Nirve.com. Help us out by buing stuff from our site.

::: FogDog.com :::
This section has all brands you would normally find at a skate shop. Decks, trucks, wheels, bearings, etc. + Shoes, clothes, and accesories.
::: Nirve.com :::
This section only has only has NIRVE boards
they are pretty cool and very cheap.

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click on our sponsor to help us out
Layout and Design (C) V-Punk and Charley Tuna. All Rights Reserved